
About us

Summit Center is a new green space, office, and retail center built to provide the people of West Texas a place to gather and enjoy good food, fun, and fellowship. It is brought to you by the Johnson and Woodard families, as well as the hard working men and women of Summit Petroleum.

However, let’s establish that this “About Us” section and the mission behind Summit Center is not about us. It is about caring for our neighbors and lifting up our community. It is about getting outside, being active, and enjoying the simple - but amazing - things God has gifted us with. Gifts such as breathtaking sunsets, cool evening breezes, stories and s’mores around a fire pit, and the carefree laughter of children. It is about simply enjoying the moment and living in the present.

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about Summit Center.

See you soon!

summit center logo in blue


The symbolism of the
Summit Center logo

When looking for an emblem to represent Summit Center, it was essential that these principles be honored:

The focal point of the logo is a tree, which has long been a symbol of life and endurance. A swing hangs from this tree to represent fun and a place for any and all to take a break from their cares. The roots of our tree tap into a miracle of creation called the Permian Basin, which also happens to be the economic engine for West Texas.

If you aren’t familiar with what exactly the Permian Basin is, here’s a quick flyby:

Eons ago this entire region was under an ocean and the sea floor was a jagged depression (or “basin”) shaped like this:

plot of land plot of land

It is roughly 250 miles wide and 300 miles long. Over time, sediment and organic material gradually filled in the depression and the sea receded, revealing dry land. Heat and pressure through the millennia transformed the organic material into oil and natural gas which energy companies like Summit Petroleum drill for today. Those resources are under your feet at this very moment and are extracted to power your home, make artificial heart valves, phone cases and jackets, in addition to fueling your car.

Typically, a reflection is represented by something tall mirrored onto something low. If you look closely you will see an opposite mirage in the Summit Center logo, whereby the canopy of the tree is an inverted image of the Permian Basin.